Paper Sunmission
We cordially invite you to submit papers to 2025 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2025).
Special Session Organization
Special sessions provide the opportunity to focus in detail on particular emerging topics, which are not reflected in the list of conference tracks or represent a specific working fields where researchers would like to meet and discuss advances.
Once approved, it is the duty of the organizers to publicize the Special Session among researchers and practitioners in the field and attract a sufficient number of papers. (At less five papers)
Paper Templates
(Regular Paper)
(Abstrat or Presentation-only Paper)
(Abstract for Conference Digest)
Paper Submission
Paper Contest
(must submit a full paper)
(first author must be student or
immediately graduated less than 1Y)
(must submit a full paper)
Best Presentation Paper Contest
(can submit either a full paper or
a single page abstract)
Important notice:
The contestant must be an author of the contest paper.
When submitting a contest paper to ARIS 2025 via the online submission system, the contestant is responsible for clicking the ONLY 1 option from the choices of "Best Conference Paper Contest", "Best Student Paper Contest", and "Best Presentation Paper Contest". A submitted paper without selection of 1 Paper Contest is not eligible for any Paper Contests.
Finalists of each Paper Contest will be decided by the Review Committee and announced with the Final Program. Each Paper Contest Finalist needs to give an oral presentation in front of the Judges in a specified session for each Paper Contest. Failure to complete a presentation equals to forfeit of the Paper Contest.
For each Paper Contest, 1 first place, 1 second place, 1 third place, and honorable mention(s) will be awarded to the Paper Contest Finalists. Awards will be announced and certificates will be delivered in the Banquet.
Each Paper Contest Finalist will be awarded with 1 extra banquet ticket.Contestants who engage in plagiarism would lose the eligibly for contest participations and be subject to legal actions.
Each Paper Contest paper can ONLY be participating 1 Paper Contest in ARIS 2025 and cannot attend any other paper contests or competitions elsewhere.